Schneider Electric Global Apps

eLibrary 1.0.0
Access information to improve your automationand control processes. Easily search for product informationdirectly from the app, or download into your library for offlineuse. An integrated search engine allows you to quickly locate theexact information you require.
Merten InSideControl HD
InSideControl is an application of Merten thatallows you to control and monitor in an easy and intuitive way yourKNX home automation installation in real time from any place,either from the local network or from anywhere in the world throughthe Internet by using VPN connection.The application connects to the KNX installation via KNXInSideControl IP gateway with a wireless connection (local orremote) or a 3G connection (depending on resources and options foryour mobile phone provider).With the configuration software InSideControl Builder, theapplication can be adapted to the desired installation in which youcan create different types of widgets or controls to monitor and/orcontrol the KNX installation.The main functions are:• Lighting: On/Off, dimming or adjustable RGB• Blinds: Blinds with or without height/slat positioning, Rollershutter• HVAC: Operating modes, setpoint temperature, actual temperature,fan speed, air conditioning On/Off etc.• Display brightness, current, voltage, consumption, IP cameras,wind speed, notifications (rain, flood, wind, gas, presence).• …Every KNX InSideControl IP gateway can be connected with 5mobile devices/applications. The application lets you control up to20 rooms with max. 20 devices. For more information visit:www.merten.comIf you have technical questions, please contact | InfoLine:
InSideControl HD
InSideControl is an application of SchneiderElectric that allows you to control and monitor in an easy andintuitive way your KNX home automation installation in real timefrom any place, either from the local network or from anywhere inthe world through the Internet by using VPN connection.The application connects to the KNX installation via KNXInSideControl IP gateway with a wireless connection (local orremote) or a 3G connection (depending on resources and options foryour mobile phone provider).With the configuration software InSideControl Builder, theapplication can be adapted to the desired installation in which youcan create different types of widgets or controls to monitor and/orcontrol the KNX installation.The main functions are:• Lighting: On/Off, dimming or adjustable RGB• Blinds: Blinds with or without height/slat positioning, Rollershutter• HVAC: Operating modes, setpoint temperature, actual temperature,fan speed, air conditioning On/Off etc.• Display brightness, current, voltage, consumption, IP cameras,wind speed, notifications (rain, flood, wind, gas, presence).• …Every KNX InSideControl IP gateway can be connected with 5mobile devices/applications. The application lets you control up to20 rooms with max. 20 devices. For more information visit:www.schneider-electric.comIf you have technical questions, please contact the CustomerCare Center in your country.
e-Catalogue Schneider Electric 1.2.3
Consultation nomade des fiches produits et desdocuments techniques de l’offre Schneider Electric.Nomadic consultationsheets and technical documents of Schneider Electric.
Control Panel Technical Guide 1.151221.02
How to define the right outdoor solution andoptimize its durability.
Canalis 1.1.0
Canalis is a new electrical distributionsolution, more adaptable and flexible than cable trays or cableways.The application provides search capability of the entire Canalisbusway or busbar trunking system as well as access to documentationand technical specifications allowing contractors, design offices,architecte to visualize its project for industrial building,offices, retails, logistic centre and data-center.Enable you to define list of materials (BOM)
Tesys Arranque de Motor Chile 1.2.0
Esta aplicación provee una regla de selecciónpara los contactores Tesys de Schneider Electric Chile.Sólo basta con ajustar los parámetros y ésta herramienta lemostrará la solución adecuada con los productos para suproyecto.Los parámetros a escoger son:* Potencia* Corriente* ControlNota: Ésta versión es sólo para los productos lanzados en Chile,para obtener más referencias acabamos de publicar a versiónuniversal "TeSys Motor Starters Global".This application providesa selection rule for Schneider Electric TeSys contactors Chile.You only have to set the parameters and this tool will show youthe right solution with products for your project.The parameters to choose are:* Power* Current* ControlNote: This version is only for the products launched in Chilefor more references just published a universal version "TeSys MotorStarters Global".
EnergySupport 1.2
When flashing QR code on Schneider ElectricMicom P30/P40 and Sepam 60/80, display of the device identity cardwith serial number, reference, product description and picture,product data sheet, user’s documentation, Schneider ElectricCustomer Care Center request form and access to FAQ.
Canalis and Argus 1.1
The application “Canalis and Argus” shows thepotential of lighting management through Canalis lighting range andthe new Argus DALI sensor.Through an animation you can play with functionalities andvisualize the solution in a realistic 3D environnement.The technical architecture helps you to understand the interactionbetween the products, inside the Canalis busbar trunking.There is also the list of commercial numbers for the “Best inclass” products and links to videos, configuration tools, Canalisapplication and web pages that will help you to find all theinformation you need about lighting management solution.The application "Canalisand Argus" shows the potential of lighting management throughCanalis lighting and ranks the new Argus DALI sensor.Through an animated you can play with Functionalities and visualizethe solution in a realistic 3D environment.The technical architecture helps you to Understand the interactionentre le products, Canalis busbar trunking the inside.There est aussi the list of sales numbers for the "Best in class"products and links to videos, configuration tools, and web CanalisApplication That Will Help You to pages find all the informationabout You Need lighting management solution.
SE E-cat EG 1.2.0
A Schneider Electric application to displayproduct, service and solution information and documentation forEgypt
eCatalogo 1.0
Consulta catálogo Schneider Electric dirigidoa instaladores con información técnica-comecial relativa a cadareferencia, descargas de hojas técnicas de catálogo e instruccionesde uso así como precio de tarifa.See Schneider Electriccatalog aimed at installers technically comecial information foreach reference, download datasheets catalog and user's manual andrate price.
Smart City Live 1.2
Smart City Live, your live city guide todiscover, understand, learn, share, play with real live data fromSolar Decathlon City 2014.
Premset 1.0.0
Introducing Premset architecture, 17.5 kVcompact modular vacuum switchgear: the next generation of MVswitchgear, a new way to design, install, and operate MVnetworks
Schneider partner 1.0.8
Application Schneider-Electric a destinationdes professionnels du résidentiel qui ont suivi un programme deformation sur les offres et les solutions nouvellement lancées :Odace, Wiser...Cette application permet de recevoir des demandes de devis departiculiers qui souhaitent faire installer les solutionsSchneider-Electric. Ces demandes sont qualifiées sur le site Webvia des configurateurs accessibles à tous (ex : les informations nécessaires à l'établissement d'un devissont intégrées dans l'application. Le partenaire doté del'application devra signer la charte partenaire et valider saformation avant de pouvoir recevoir des demandes de devis.Pour devenir partenaire Schneider-Electric : Electric : Un lien ( url) vers page de support en cas de problèmed'installation : Support Client 0825 012 999 - destination professionals who have completed aresidential training program offers solutions and newly launched:Odace, Wiser ...This application allows you to receive quote requests fromindividuals wishing to install solutions Schneider Electric. Theseapplications are referred to the website via configuratorsaccessible to all (eg #home).All information necessary to establish an estimate areintegrated into the application. The partner with the applicationmust sign the charter partner and validate his training beforereceiving quotes request.To become a partner Schneider Electric: Electric: A link (url) to support page when installation problem:Customer Support 0825 012 999 -
NPAG 1.4
The Network Protection Automation Guide (NPAG)is the industry-standard technical reference for protectionengineering. This new tablet application provide the same esteemedand comprehensive textbook trusted by professionals across thefield of network protection and automation.The eBook NPAG is an easy to use application and those things thatwere once on the tip of your tongue can now be found with the tipsof your fingers.
eCatalog 1.1
Η SchneiderElectric με χαρά σας παρουσιάζειτον νέο interactive ηλεκτρονικό τιμοκατάλογο για τη smartphoneσυσκευή σας.Ο νέος ηλεκτρονικός τιμοκατάλογος της SchneiderElectric(eCatalog) απλοποιεί τη διαδικασία αναζήτησης προϊόντων μέσωbarcodescan όπως και με τη χρήση πολλαπλών κριτηρίων.Επιλέξτε το προϊόν που σας ενδιαφέρει, ενημερωθείτε για την τιμήτου και προσθέστε το στα Αγαπημένα σας, σε λίγα δευτερόλεπτα!Πραγματοποιήστε σύνδεση με τον λογαριασμό σας i-NRG4Uκαι κερδίστεεπιπλέον 500 πόντους στο σχήμα ανταμοιβής!The SchneiderElectric isdelighted to present the new interactive electronic price list foryour smartphone device.The new electronic price list SchneiderElectric (eCatalog)simplifies the product search process through barcodescan as usingmultiple criteria.Select the product that interests you, check out its price andadd it to your Favorites, in a few seconds! A connection to youraccount i-NRG4Ukai earn additional 500 points in Figure reward!
Facility Insights
Facility Insights app is part of SchneiderElectric’s Facility Insights suite of managed services.Facility Insights is designed to optimize asset, maintenancemanagement, and energy efficiency, in small and mid-size buildings.With Facility Insights, building owners and facility managers canleverage the latest data acquisition technology, cloud services,and data analytics to increase facility performance, save money,and improve operational efficiency.With the Facility Insights app, you will save time by receivingfacility information and alerts in real time on your mobiledevices.- Access facility events (summary and details) and managethem.- Receive event and task notifications in real time- Access your task list from anywhereAll tasks and events are synchronized with Facility Insights webportal.Facility Insights service includes:- Cloud platform analytics and dashboards that display your dataand trending- Reports, alarms, and recommended solutions from our trainedenergy and maintenance experts- Network of local partners for solution implementation andcontinued support to realize significant savings
We Care - Peoplelink 2.0.0
We Care allows Schneider-Electric Indiaemployees to submit / raise their HR related issues from theirmobile phones.Queries will be converted in Peoplelink as a ticket underpayroll, talent acquisition, hr information, hr operations andlearning services and team will respond on the resolution.Users can Submit the feedback once the ticket is resolved .
SE E-cat WA 1.2.2
A Schneider Electric application to displayproduct information and documentation for the Anglophone WestAfrican region.
SE E-cat SA 1.2.0
A Schneider Electric application to displayproduct information and documentation for the Southern Africaregion.
PropellerHead 2d 1.0
Experience the incredible adventures ofPropellerHead, an industrial software engineer. Help PropellerHeadthrough the world by avoiding obstacles and collecting points.Points are earned by flying through the empty gaps in the pipes.Earn medals by gaining high scores and compete among friends on theglobal leaderboard.
MachineStruxure Configurator
For Modicon M221, M241 and M251Controller
Modernization Design Selector 1.0
"Schneider Electric US Services ModernizationSelector" provides 24/7 access to self-service support onmodernization solutions for ageing electrical distributionequipment. Solutions are available for any manufacturer's equipmentof low-voltage and medium-voltage switchgear, and low-voltage motorcontrol centres. Plus many customer engineered solutions areavailable!Connect to expertise on demand or request assistance with directcall and request for more information via the app.Available features:- Search by product name or reference- Provides pictorial representation of existing products withreplacement solutions- Access product data sheets, technical documents and FAQs- Create a support request with email confirmation- Online, offline capabilities*Available in US
ePartner 1.1.2
L’application ePartner de Schneider Electricest à destination des artisans électriciens actifs sur le marché dubâtiment résidentiel, qui ont suivi un parcours de formation leuraccordant le statut de partenaire.ePartner, est un outil de productivité en vue de dynamiser leurbusiness en mettant nos partenaires directement en contact avec desparticuliers ayant des projets en cours. Les demandes departiculiers sont qualifiées sur le site Web de Schneider Electricvia des configurateurs en ligne accessibles à tous. (ex :’ensemble des informations nécessaires à l’établissement d’undevis sont intégrées dans l’application.Pour vous connectez à l’application ePartner vous devez avoir aupréalable signé la charte partenaire et avoir validé un certainsnombre de formation.Si vous rencontrez un problème d’installation vous pouvez contacternotre support client 0825 012 999 -
Dimmer Tool 1.1
Provide to SE customers a tool to choose theperfect dimmer and lamp combination including additionalrecommendations
COP 21 Meet Me
/!\ This application only works within theNegotiation area and when connected to the local Wi-Fi(“PlugNPlay”) of the event.Facilitate meetings at the Negotiation SiteAsk an acquaintance to share its location.Share its location with several persons and visualize theirpositions on a 3D mapping of the Negotiation Site. Ability toswitch off this functionality and become invisible on the map, thenreconnect with one or multiple groups.The application allows you to send a pre-filled SMS or e-mail tothe person you want to share your location with. You must choose apseudonym. Only the persons with whom you share your location withwill be able to see your location. None of the data is stored ortransmitted to third parties.This application has received the agreement of the UNFCCC andthe validation of the ANSSI (Agence Nationale de la Sécurité desSystèmes d’Information - French National Agency for Security of ITSystems).This application is interfaced with the COP21 application.
COP21 1.2
> Simplify travel - Find on-site services -Inform attendeesBy using geolocation during the COP21, see all of the servicesoffered at the event on a dynamic 3D mapping of the Negotiationsite and Climate Generations area, get indoor and outdoor maps,access to search and itinerary tools.To access and leave the Paris-Le Bourget Site, use the real-timeroute calculation tool. Get real-time public transport or privatecar routes. Save your favorite routes for later. Link to Uberapplication.> Find on-site servicesRestaurants, menus, Information desks, emergencies, bathrooms,printing centers, drinking fountains, ATM...> Inform attendeesAgenda and venue of official conferences.Agenda of events organized at the Climate Generations area.@COP21 Twitter feed.Integrated slideshow displays important information about the lifeat the Negotiation site.
Flash Quotation 1.150828
Flash Quotation is a quick and efficient toolto support the BOM (Bill Of Material) generation and quickquotation dedicated for the Schneider type tested, functional,modular, kit model low voltage switchboard system. This tool caneasily share the working project file with other platform (PC orAndroid tablet) for collaboration, and also can easily share theproject output file through E-mail.
Контакт+ 1.1
Контакт+ е приложение на програмата за лоялниклиенти на Шнайдер Електрик. Ако сте инсталатор или електротехник,с участието си в Контакт+ получавате възможност да печелитеатрактивни и полезни награди, когато купувате продукти от ШнайдерЕлектрик.Contact + is theapplication of the loyalty program of Schneider Electric. If youare an installer or electrician, starring in Contact + get theopportunity to earn attractive and useful prizes when you buyproducts from Schneider Electric.
Okken & Blokset EVO 2.0
This application offers a 3D overview ofOkkenEvo offer and Blokset Evo offer. Also you will be able to findthevalue propositions of those solutions.
Adapti-M 1.3.1.MSE
Adapti-M provides remote control tobuildingcomfort environment accessible to a resident such asroomtemperature setting, lighting, TV remote control, roomservice,room reservation.Remote control User App is deployed by facility manager ondevicesdedicated to building resident (e.g. Hotel's Bed SidePanel)
Adapti-C 1.3.1.CSE
Adapti-C provides remote control tobuildingcomfort environment accessible to a resident such asroomtemperature s etting, lighting, TV remote control, roomservice,room reservation - for a fleet of managed devices
Adapti-G 1.3.1.GSE
Adapti-G provides remote control tothebuilding environment accessible to a resident such asroomtemperature setting, lighting, TV remote control, roomservice,room reservation...Remote control App is deployed on resident device by snapshotingaQR-Code located in the building
SE Energy Marathon 1.0
Schneider Electric India, as part ofthecelebration of their 50th Anniversary, has pledged to conserveatleast 50 million kWh of energy. Participate in the Energy run,oneof its kind marathon to save energy for a brightertomorrow.
Dimmer Tool Merten 1.0.0
Viele Leuchtmittel sind dimmbar. Es giltnurimmer die richtige Zuordnung von Dimmer und Leuchtmittel zufinden.Mit der App Dimmer Tool von Merten ist es ganz besonderseinfachfür Sie:Das Dimmer Tool von Merten findet für Sie dieoptimaleKombination von Merten Dimmer und handelsüblichen LEDLeuchtmitteloder einer Energiesparlampe. Wählen Sie dazu IhrengewünschtenMerten Dimmer aus einem Drop-Down Menü und erhalten SieeineAnzeige mit den jeweiligen kompatiblen Leuchtmitteln.Alternativgeben Sie die Type ihres Leuchtmittels an und erhaltendenoptimalen Dimmer. Probieren Sie es einfach mal aus.Haftungsausschluss: Die nachfolgenden Ergebnisse beruhenaufMessungen in unserem Testlabor. Je nachLeitungslängen,Netzgegebenheiten und anderen Einflussfaktorenkönnen sichabweichende Resultate ergeben. Die unten stehendeZusammenstellungenthält lediglich unverbindliche Hinweise zurfreigestelltenVerwendung auf eigene Verantwortung durch unsereKunden. Die FirmaSchneider Electric kann für die Funktionen und dieRichtigkeit undVollständigkeit der Angaben und ihre Verwendungkeine Verantwortungübernehmen und lehnt dafür jede Haftung ab.Many bulbs aredimmable.It applies only to always find the correct assignment ofdimmersand bulbs. With the app dimmer tool from Merten it isparticularlyeasy for you:The dimmer tool from Merten found for the optimal combinationofMerten dimmer and commercial LED bulb or an energy saving lamp.Todo this, your desired Merten dimmer from a drop-down menu andyouwill get a screen with the respective compatiblebulbs.Alternatively, specify the type of their light source andobtainthe optimal dimmer. Try it a try.Disclaimer: The following results are based on measurements inourtest lab. Depending on line lengths, network conditions andotherinfluencing factors, different results may occur. Thebelowcompilation contains only non-binding recommendations totheexempted use at your own risk by our customers. ThecompanySchneider Electric can for the functions and the accuracyandcompleteness of the information and its use assumenoresponsibility for and disclaims all liability.
Home Solutions 1.0.5
Residential Electrical SolutionsGet ‘in the know’ with everything electrical related bydownloadingthis interactive app today!This informative and easy to understand guide fromSchneiderElectric is designed to assist you in planning theelectricalrequirements for your new build or renovation.This interactive guide features selection options and informationoneverything from your light switch style through to completehomecontrol. It includes short videos with different planningoptionsto get you started and an optional audio guide to talk youthroughit.Schneider Electric is a global specialist in energymanagementwith operations in more than 100 countries, offeringintegratedsolutions across multiple market segments with a broadpresence inresidential applications. Focused on making energy safe,reliable,and efficient, the company’s employees have an activecommitment tohelp individuals and organisations “Make the most oftheirenergy”.Schneider Electric has been present in New Zealand since theearly70’s and since then has played a critical role inprovidingelectrical solutions for some of New Zealand’s keyprojects.Through the acquisition of market-leading local brand PDL in2001aswell as Clipsal in 2004, Schneider Electric providessolutions forall aspects of residential electrical and energyefficiency fromswitchgear to safety and security, energy managementand homeautomation solutions.Today, Schneider Electric employs over 300 people in NewZealand,in offices across the country. With a head office anddistributioncentre in Auckland, a regional office, manufacturingplant andcustomer care centre in Christchurch as well as salesstaff andoffices around the country, Schneider Electric supportsyour newbuild or renovation with a nationwide sales andsupportnetwork.Schneider Electric design, develop, and manufacture PDL andClipsalelectrical products.
CSTracker 1.0.0
CSTracker allows electricians, installersandmaintenance teams of Schneider Electric charging stationsforelectrical vehicles- The identification and registration of installion in thedatabasesof Schneider Electric- The registration and interrogation of the interventionsofmaintenance of the registered stations- The access on the Web portal of the application fordetails(notes, photos) on interventions registered by themselves ortheircompany- The access to the technical documentation of the station- The access to the site of Schneider Electric for on-line supportInformation for installers andmaintenanceservices/operators- A knowledge of the charging base installed and/or maintainedbyyour company- A more efficient maintenance thanks to individual follow-upofevery station- The export using CSV format, usable under Excel, of theinstalledbase- An immediate access to the current technical documentation ofthestation and to the on-line support.
¿Quieres proteger a tus clientes contralosdaños causados por los rayos en sus equipos electrónicoseinformáticos? ¿Qué dispositivo de protección contrasobretensionesresolverá sus necesidades?Con la App Selector Protección Sobretensiones en tu Smartphone,entan sólo 4 pasos obtendrás la solución correcta para laproteccióncontra sobretensiones transitorias, garantizando así laseguridadde los equipos electrónicos e informáticos contra lasposiblessobretensiones que ocurran en la red eléctrica:descargasatmosféricas, proximidad de un pararrayos, maniobras en lared,etc.> Por aplicación- Selecciona el tipo de edificio que necesitas proteger:Doméstico,Comercial o Terciario, Industrial o con Suministroeléctricocrítico.- Selecciona la ubicación del edificio y el riesgo de rayos enlazona.- Selecciona las características de la instalación eléctrica:tipode cuadro de distribución, nivel de cortocircuito, número defasesy esquema de conexión de tierra.> Por características de producto> Por referencia comercialInmediatamente obtendrás las características de los limitadoresdesobretensiones recomendados para especificar en la instalación,asícomo soluciones alternativas y la protección dedesconexiónasociada.¡Proteger a tus clientes contra los daños causados por losrayosnunca ha sido tan fácil!Want to protectyourcustomers against damage caused by lightning in theirelectronicand computer equipment? What overvoltage protectiondevice meetyour needs?With the Surge Protection Selector App on your Smartphone, in just4steps you will get the right solution for surge protection,ensuringthe security of electronic and computer equipment againstpossiblesurges occurring in the mains: lightning, proximity of alightningrod, maneuvers on the network, etc.> By application- Select the type of building you need to protect:domestic,commercial or tertiary, Industrial or critical powersupply.- Select the location of the building and the risk of lightninginthe area.- Select the characteristics of the electricalinstallation:distribution box type, short-circuit level, number ofphases andgrounding scheme.> By product features> For commercial referenceImmediately get features limiters recommended to specify surgeinthe installation, as well as alternatives andassociateddisconnection protection.Protect your customers against damage caused by lightning hasneverbeen easier!
M580 VR Bot 1.0
Armed with your smart phone and VirtualRealityglasses, by eye pointing, let's walk through the candyfactory tosee how the M580 is the Ethernet Programmable AutomationControllerhero created to defeat your challenges!This application is dedicated to Schneider Electric peopleandcustomers or prospects who want to understand the ModiconM580benefits through an amazing immersive experience of less than3minutes.
SE E-cat SEINT 1.2.0
Emportez l’offre de Schneider Electricpourl’Afrique francophone partout avec vous et accédez à touslesdocuments disponibles en quelques clics !Take theSchneiderElectric for Francophone Africa with you and access allthedocuments available in a few clicks!